
Photographed by Herbert List

“Life is playfulness... We need to play so that we can rediscover the magic all around us.”

— Flora Colao

What is Play?

Play is where we unleash our inner child and rediscover the sheer delight of being alive. It is where we break free from the constraints of routine and dive headfirst into the boundless magic within.

When was the last time you did something just for the fun of it? What happens when you stop taking life so seriously?

Through thoughtfully crafted questions, Play opens a door. What sparks your curiosity? What shifts when you invite spontaneity, laughter, and lightness into your life?

Play is not an escape—it is a return. A return to the part of you that embraces life with wide-eyed wonder, that dances without hesitation, that sings without a reason. When you allow that, something shifts. Joy expands. Creativity awakens. And suddenly, you begin to play again—your heart bursting open, spreading love wherever you go.

When was the last time you sang?

Photographed by Alexandra Sophie

If you could spend a day in an imaginary world, what would it look like?



If your life had a soundtrack, what songs would be on it?


Do you believe in miracles?


How do you express your creativity in your day-to-day life?


When was the last time you allowed yourself to be completely silly?

What are you curious about?

Let Go


How can you infuse your life with the sense of wonder you had as a child?


If you had a magic wand, what spell would you cast?


Feel is the first step—a moment to turn inward and reconnect with yourself. Beneath the noise of daily life, something is waiting to be heard. What happens when you stop looking away and start paying attention?

Photographed by Alex Prager

Photographed by Amy Woodward

SOMA is a carefully curated container, guiding you through a process of inner exploration. It is an elixir distilled from the essence of our human experiences, a celebration of life in the human body. More than that, it is an invitation.