Our Philosophy

Photographed by Harol Baez

“We all start out knowing magic. We are born with whirlwinds, forest fires, and comets inside us. We are born able to sing to birds and read the clouds and see our destiny in grains of sand. But then we get the magic educated right out of our souls. We get it churned out, spanked out, washed out, and combed out. We get put on the straight and narrow path and told to be responsible. Told to act our age. Told to grow up, for God’s sake, and you know why we are told that? Because the people doing the telling were afraid of our wildness and youth, and because the magic we knew made them ashamed and sad of what they’d allowed to wither in themselves.”

— Robert R McGamon

The Art of Love

At the heart of Magic Valley’s philosophy is the belief that love profoundly shapes our lives. We draw our inspiration from age old Hindu wisdom, which teaches us that we can only become what we truly are.

Imagine life as a dance where the boundaries between the dance, the dancer and the dancefloor dissolve. In this dance of life, each step, gesture, and breath is an expression of the divine unfolding.

This dance reveals how everything is connected. Every action, reaction, and relationship is part of the harmony of life. Just as dancers are linked by their movements, we are connected to the world around us. Our interactions and experiences can create a beautiful and meaningful life.

We are not just observers; we actively shape the dance with every choice we make. This helps us to fully embrace our role, dance with purpose, and understand how our actions influence everything around us.

Like skilled dancers, we can learn to move gracefully, aligning our steps with the love that surrounds us. This helps us find harmony in our interactions with others and with the world.

Magic Valley invites us to appreciate the beauty and significance of every moment, recognizing that each gesture, no matter how small, is an expression of the divine dance of life.

Photographed by Arianne Clément

Photographed by Alex Stoddard


From the moment of our birth the journey begins with a penetrating transition—from the warm, connected environment of our mother’s womb to the vast, unfamiliar world outside. This transition is our first encounter with the sensation of separateness. Once nestled in the womb, we were physically and emotionally connected to our mothers, experiencing an unbroken unity. However, birth marks the moment when this unity is disrupted, and we start to experience the world as distinct individuals.

As we emerge into the world, we become aware of our separation from everything and everyone around us. This innate sense of aloneness is not limited to physical space but extends to our existential isolation. We begin to comprehend that we are unique beings with our own thoughts, feelings, and experiences. This realisation can be both awe-inspiring and terrifying, as we grapple with the enormity of existence.

This realisation often gives rise to a deep-seated fear of disconnection. We fear that we are separate not only from our mothers but also from the world, from divinity, and from the very essence of life itself. This fear is primal, rooted in our survival instincts. We instinctively recognise that isolation from the tribe or community can be perilous, and this fear becomes a powerful motivator throughout our lives.

Photographed by Anna Danilova

To manage this fear, we spend our lives constructing identities. These identities serve as psychological shields, designed to bridge the gap between our sense of separateness and our longing for connection. We define ourselves through various roles, labels, and attributes, shaping an identity that we hope will bring us closer to others. Whether through our work, passions, relationships, or personal achievements, we adopt these roles to feel seen, understood, and connected.

One of the primary functions of these constructed identities is to seek validation from others. We yearn for recognition, affirmation, and love from those around us. These external validations serve as proof that we are not alone, that we are valued members of our community, and that we matter in the grand tapestry of existence. This quest for validation can lead to a lifelong pursuit of success, recognition, and social approval.

In essence, the journey from birth to self-awareness is marked by an ever-present tension between our innate sense of aloneness and our fundamental longing for connection. Our identities and the validation we seek from others are intricate aspects we employ in this delicate dance between separation and unity, forming the foundation of our human experience.

Photographed by Megan Batson

Photographed by Angus Malcolm


Our deep-seated longing to transcend separateness drives us to take various paths, and sometimes, these paths inadvertently lead us away from our true selves.

In our quest to overcome the primal fear of separateness, we often resort to striving for conformity. We believe that by conforming to societal norms, expectations, and standards, we will gain acceptance and love.

This conformity might manifest in the way we dress, the choices we make, and the beliefs we adopt. We willingly mould ourselves into what we think will be loveable and forsake our authentic selves in the process.

As we strive to conform, we sometimes unintentionally abandon our true selves. Our genuine thoughts, feelings, and desires take a back seat to the expectations of others and the pressures of society. We might suppress our uniqueness, downplay our quirks, and avoid expressing our individuality, all in an effort to fit into predefined moulds.

This relentless pursuit of conformity can lead to a sense of becoming mere cogs in a vast societal machine. We lose touch with our inner essence and become entangled in the routines and expectations of the collective. Our lives can start to feel mechanical, devoid of the richness that comes from embracing our uniqueness and expressing our true selves.

Photographed by David Cardona

Conformity can lead to a homogenization of not only our individuality but also of the collective. Society’s emphasis on sameness can result in a bland and uniform cultural landscape, where diversity of thought, expression, and creativity is stifled. This homogenization can limit innovation, hinder personal growth, and deprive society of the richness that comes from embracing uniqueness.

Many of us are unaware of this subconscious need to conform. We live under the illusion of individuality, believing our thoughts and ideas are uniquely our own, even though they often align with the majority. The consensus of the masses becomes the proof of our correctness. To preserve a semblance of individuality, we seek refuge in minor distinctions—the clothes we wear, the hobbies we pursue, the foods we eat, the sports teams we support, our political affiliations. or even the pets we choose to keep as companions.

These distinctions, however minor they may seem, serve as markers of our uniqueness in a world of shared ideas and actions. They can represent small islands of personal identity amid the vast sea of collective thought and behaviour, navigating the delicate balance between our innate desire for individuality and our longing for connection with others.

In essence, the pursuit of conformity, while driven by our longing to bridge the gap of separateness, can sometimes paradoxically distance us from our true selves and impede the authenticity of our individual and collective human experience. Recognizing this tendency is a crucial step toward rediscovering our authentic selves and fostering a society that celebrates and nurtures the diversity of human expression.

Photographed by Bob Carlos Clarke

Photographed by Mary Ellen Mark

Distractions and Addictions

In our relentless pursuit to escape the overwhelming sense of separateness, we often resort to distractions and addictions as a means of temporarily alleviating the void within us. These diversions, whether they take the form of drugs, alcohol, sex, computer games, social media, or consumerism, provide momentary relief by triggering intricate chemical reactions in our brains.

When we engage in these activities, our brain releases neurotransmitters like dopamine, which are associated with pleasure and reward. This flood of neurochemicals momentarily masks our fears and anxieties, offering a respite from the profound sense of disconnection we grapple with. It’s akin to a brief escape from the confines of our isolated selves, providing a temporary illusion of unity and satisfaction.

However, this relief is fleeting, and as the effects of the distraction wear off, we’re often confronted with an intensified and deeper sense of separateness. This heightened awareness of isolation can be even more distressing than before, driving us to seek more of the same relief. As a result, we may increase the frequency and quantity of these substances or activities, falling deeper into the cycle of addiction.

This cycle of seeking solace in external distractions and substances perpetuates a vicious cycle of temporary relief followed by amplified despair. It can be a challenging pattern to break free from, as it often masks the underlying root of our existential longing—to overcome separateness and authentically reconnect with the world and ourselves.

Photographed by Cho Gi-Seok

Photographed by Alex Stoddard


Another path to unity and transcending our inherent sense of separateness is through the act of creativity. Whether one is an artist, artisan, or simply engages in any form of creative expression, this process has the remarkable power to bridge the gap between ourselves and the external world, fostering a deep sense of connection and unity. 

In the act of creation, be it crafting a table, shaping exquisite jewellery, tending to crops, or painting a canvas, we enter into an intimate dance with our chosen medium. This interaction blurs the boundaries that separate us from the external world. We become more than mere observers; we become co-creators, actively participating in the ongoing process of existence.

Photographed by Gareth McConnell

Consider the artist who moulds clay into a sculpture or the painter who transforms a blank canvas into a vibrant masterpiece. In these moments of creation, the artist and their creation become inseparable. The sculptor’s hands merge with the clay, and the strokes of the painter’s brush are an extension of their very being. This union of creator and creation is a dance of unity, where the lines between self and other blur, and a profound interconnectedness is felt. 

Similarly, the farmer who tends to the soil and nurtures the growth of crops is engaged in a creative act that unites them with nature. They become stewards of the land, fostering life and sustaining not only themselves but their community. In this process, the farmer and the earth are intertwined in a dance of unity, where the boundaries that separate them fade away. 

Creativity, in all its forms, provides us with a direct experience of the interconnectedness of all things. It reminds us that we are not isolated individuals but integral parts of a greater whole. This realisation can be deeply transformative, leading to a profound sense of purpose, fulfilment, and unity with the world around us.

Photographed by Kate Bellm

Photographed by Ahmad Naser Eldein

Our Core

At Magic Valley, our core belief is that love is an art, and much like living, it is an art that can be expressed in countless ways. Life itself is the canvas upon which we paint our love, and every form of art serves as a unique expression of love.

Whether we’re creating a visual masterpiece, composing music that stirs the soul, crafting words that resonate with others, or simply living our lives with authenticity and kindness, each of these acts is a brushstroke on the canvas of existence, an embodiment of love’s expression.

The core of our philosophy lies in embracing our true selves in every present moment. By doing so, we open our hearts to the world, allowing our unique life experiences and expressions to flow freely. In this space of authenticity and vulnerability, we create not from a place of fear or insecurity but from the boundless wellspring of love within us.

Photographed by Christian Coigny

This approach to life encourages us to dance through existence, weaving love into the fabric of our daily interactions, our creative pursuits, and our connections with others. It invites us to see the beauty in every moment and to recognize that every gesture, whether grand or seemingly small, can be an act of love.

In the grand tapestry of life, we are both artists and the artwork, co-creating a world filled with the colours, textures and fragrances of love. By approaching life as an artful dance of existence, we not only enrich our own experiences but also contribute to the collective beauty of the world, fostering deeper connections, understanding, and compassion among all beings.

Photographed by Anderson & Low

Photographed by Ana Cuba

The Heart of our Philosophy

At the heart of our philosophy lies an unshakable belief: that if not everything is divine, then nothing can truly be divine. Likewise, if not everything is considered holy, then the concept of holiness loses its meaning. Our philosophy is deeply rooted in the understanding that the universe in its entirety, every living being, and every passing moment are inherently imbued with sacredness, deserving of the utmost reverence and love.

In a world often characterised by division, discord, and the illusion of separateness, our philosophy serves to remind us of the profound interconnectedness of all existence. It beckons us to look beyond surface appearances and differences, to peel back the layers of conditioning and fear, and to recognize the underlying oneness that binds us all.

In this worldview, every particle of the universe is a manifestation of the divine, every being is a sacred expression of life, and every moment is a precious opportunity for connection and growth. Whether we gaze upon the vast expanse of the cosmos, behold the intricate beauty of nature, or look into the eyes of another human being, we are met with the sacred and the divine.

Photographed by Peter Hujar

This perspective inspires us to approach life with a sense of awe and wonder, to treat every interaction with reverence, and to extend love and compassion to all beings. It encourages us to acknowledge the inherent worth and divinity within ourselves and others, fostering a deep sense of respect, empathy, and unity.

By embracing this central tenet, we not only transform our individual lives but also contribute to the collective elevation of consciousness. We are reminded that love and reverence can heal wounds, bridge divides, and illuminate the path to personal and collective transformation. In acknowledging the sacredness that permeates all existence, we embark on a journey of profound awakening, where every step is a dance of love, connection, and the recognition of the divine in all things.

At Magic Valley, we see this philosophy as the guiding light that permeates our community’s values and principles. It inspires us to nurture holistic well-being, encourage creative exploration, promote conscious evolution, celebrate unity and connection, advocate for responsibility and action, and foster unconditional love. It forms the foundation of our approach to life, well-being, and creativity, reminding us that the path to personal and collective transformation is a dance of love, connection, and continuous creation.

Photographed by Kate Bellm

We are starved for love, surrounded by tales of love in TV serials, movies, books, and songs, yet seldom do we pause to consider that love is something we can truly learn and nurture within ourselves.

Our Journey of Love

Photographed by Noémi Ottilia Szabo

Photographed by Ryan McGinley