Finger Lickin' Good
Your body was not made for dignity alone—it was made for play, for foolishness, for movement without meaning. This practice is about embracing absurdity, letting go of control, and remembering that sometimes, the silliest things bring the most joy.
A Practice of Pure Foolishness
Find a space where you can move freely. Stand tall, take a deep breath, and let your inner chicken take over.
Flap your arms like wings. Bob your head, strut around, peck at imaginary seeds. Cluck, squawk, or make whatever absurd sounds feel right.
Fully commit—move wildly, unpredictably, with full-bodied ridiculousness. If you have company, challenge them to out-chicken you.
See how long you can go before you burst out laughing. Let the laughter shake through you. Let silliness wash away the weight of seriousness.
When you’re done, stand still. Feel the lightness in your body, the freedom in your breath.