Mirror, Mirror
To see yourself clearly is an act of love. Not through the eyes of judgment or comparison, but through presence—through the quiet recognition of who you truly are. This practice invites you to meet your own reflection with kindness, to soften the way you see yourself, to look beyond the surface and into the depth of your being.
A Practice of Self-Recognition and Love
Find a mirror. Stand or sit before it. Meet your own gaze.
At first, you may want to look away. Stay. Keep looking. Let your eyes settle into the moment.
Take a breath. See yourself as you are, not as you should be. The shape of your face, the depth of your eyes, the small details you rarely notice. Observe without judgment, without fixing—just witnessing.
When you're ready, speak to yourself. Gently. Honestly. Lovingly. Say:
I see you.
You are here.
You are worthy.
I love you.
Let the words land. Let them reach the parts of you that need to hear them most. If emotions rise, welcome them. If resistance appears, breathe through it.
For a moment, smile—not out of obligation, but as an offering to yourself. A quiet recognition, a simple act of love.
When you are ready, step away. Carry this feeling with you.